Benefit Changes


Beginning January 1, 2023, Plan #3000 will reimburse you for up to $350 of your deductible in full for covered services, with the remainder of the deductible (if applicable) being reimbursed at 20%. CARE will reimburse you for the difference between the Amount Allowed and the Amount Paid by your primary carrier, not to exceed 20%. For members covered under a Managed Care Plan, CARE will reimburse you for any copayments charged by the Primary carrier. Should you receive medical services from an Out-of-Network provider through your Primary plan, CARE will reimburse you for the difference between the Amount Allowed and the Amount Paid by your Primary carrier, not to exceed 20%. The annual limit for this plan is $3,350 (including the deductible).

With Railway employees being responsible for more out-of-pocket these days, including deductibles, coinsurance, copayments, or similar charges, it pays to have a supplement that can help you. CARE is currently having an Open Enrollment for Plan #3000, therefore, feel free to share this news with your fellow coworkers and their families.  For questions regarding Plan #3000 contact our Customer Service Department at 254.773.1330 or 1.800.334.1330.

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Navitus MedicareRx (PDP) will administer pharmacy benefits for our Plan #4000 members.  CARE will continue to provide you with an “enhanced”, creditable Part D Part D prescription drug benefit.

Annual deductible of $300
Initial Coverage Limit increased from $4,660 to $5,030
Coverage Gap Amount increased from $7,400 to $8,000
Copayments will remain the same for Plan Year 2024
No copayment in the Catastrophic Stage

Your copayments and a brief summary of your prescription drug benefit for Plan Year 2024 are listed below.

Medicare Open enrollment is from October 15th through December 7th, 2023. The benefit period for Plan #4000 is January 1 through December 31.

Please see the chart below for further explanation of the stages plus your copayments for 2024. For questions regarding your prescription drug benefit contact the CARE Customer Service Department at 1.800.334.1330.




Navitus MedicareRx (PDP) will administer pharmacy benefits for our Plan #4000 members.  CARE will continue to provide you with an “enhanced” Part D Part D prescription drug benefit.  Your drug benefit for 2023 will have a yearly deductible of $300 and the Initial Coverage Limit will be increased to $4,660.

Copayments will remain the same
Annual deductible of $300
Initial Coverage Limit $4,660
Prescription Drug Benefit $7,400

CARE will continue to provide you with an "enhanced" Part D prescription drug benefit with no coverage gap known as the "Donut Hole." Your copayments and a brief summary of your prescription drug benefit for Plan Year 2023 are listed below.

Medicare Open enrollment is from October 15th through December 7th, 2022. The benefit period for Plan #4000 is January 1 through December 31. Members currently enrolled in Plan #4000 have the option of transferring to Plan #4100.

Please see the chart below for further explanation of the stages plus your copayments for 2023. For questions regarding your prescription drug benefit contact the CARE Customer Service Department at 1.800.334.1330.


Navitus MedicareRx (PDP) Summary of Benefits 2024

Yearly Deductible Stage: During this stage, you pay the full cost of your Part D Drugs. You stay in this stage until you have paid your $300 yearly deductible amount. Once you have paid your deductible amount you move onto the Initial Coverage Stage.

Initial Coverage Stage: During this stage, the plan pays its share for the cost of your drugs and you pay your share of the cost. The table below shows your share of the cost for drugs in each of the plan’s drug tiers. You stay in this stage until the total costs of your Part D drugs reach $5,030, when you move onto the Gap Coverage Stage.

Cost Sharing Tiers Network Retail Pharmacy (1-31 day supply) Network Retail Pharmacy (32 - 90 day supply) Mail Order Pharmacy (Up to 90-day supply)
Tier 1: Generic products$15 copayment$15 copayment$15 copayment
Tier 2: Preferred brand products$40 copayment$120 copayment$100 copayment
Tier 3: Non-preferred brand products$60 copayment$180 copayment$150 copayment
Tier 4: Specialty products25% coinsurance ($250 min, $500 max)25% coinsurance ($500 min, $1500 max)25% coinsurance ($500 min, $1500 max)

Gap Coverage Stage: During this stage, you will continue to pay the same cost sharing amount as in the Initial Coverage Stage.

Catastrophic Coverage Stage: $0 Copayment